Recent Recipes

Nonna’s gnocchi

An italian classic, simple, traditional potato pasta, with flour.

(2.6 / 5)

Is there room on the broom?..

The witch tapped the broomstick and woosh! …they were gone.

(5 / 5)

Risotto with fish

Light, full of important  healthy nutrients, such as protein and vitamin D.

(5 / 5)

Courgettes lovely courgettes

Cheap, tasty, versatile, super easy side dish.

(5 / 5)


Tempting chocolate,at your doorstep!

(5 / 5)

Ricotta cheese tart

 Ready for Halloween? Low in fat this cheese tart will delight your palate.

(5 / 5)

Broccoli and tumeric soup

Exquisite soup for the cold winter season.

(5 / 5)

Chick pea and chesnuts soup

Hearty soup, bringing the color and the flavour of the autumn season.

(4.7 / 5)

Carrot garnished with herbs

A flavourful side dish made from an underrated root orange vegetable!

(5 / 5)
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