Meringues with orange syrup, pistachio and chopped nuts.

( 5 out of 5 )
  • 15 mPrep Time
  • 1:25 hCook Time
  • 1:40 hReady In
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French meringues, as there is more than one way to beat and bake egg whites!


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Step by Step method

  • Whip the egg whites, with a pinch of salt, until frothy.

  • Gradually add the sugar and keep whipping. Add the orange and the lemon juice.

  • When the mix is sturdy enough put it in a pastry bag and pipe the meringue out onto baking tray.

  • Cook in the oven for a good hour at 100 degrees. Till they dries out.

  • Squeeze one orange and warm the juice in a pan, with a teaspoon of flour. Stir and warm till it becomes sticky.

  • Once cold, place the meringues in a plate with some orange syrup you made, put some pistachio powder and chopped nuts on the top.

Tips & variations

  • The orange in the mix is to give them flavour, the few drops of lemon to make them shine! Egg whites needs to be at room temperature not from the fridge, also better if they are not so fresh.

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